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It's Time to Wake Up

Discover the programs, challenges, masterclasses, and sessions we have available for you to uncover the best version of yourself.

Transformation Program

The Arte of self Love

Designed especially for women who are determined and determined to free themselves from emotional dependence on their partner or ex.


Join our private group on 


Cindy Gunter

Where to start!!!! When there is so much to say and thank...

Mariana McCuer 

After taking a long break from the dating scene and dating, I rather took the time to take care of myself...

Holistic Transformation Session


Fab-Vibes  is a transformative and fabulous holistic expansion experience. Accompanied by an emotional guide with different discovery and self-inquiry techniques for mental clarity with therapeutic music, enjoying and seducing your senses.


Anabella Rojas Vanososte

It is a gift to oneself, where the experience of music and vibration disconnects you from your daily life, from your thoughts and brings you closer to an experience of connecting with your body and feeling healthy through the moment that you are present there.

Don't let them tell you, live it!

Change your vibe and you will change your life


Awaken to gratitude in 21 days

You have found the perfect option for your personal development. It is no coincidence that you are reading this.

The universe in its infinite wisdom chose it for you!

Why 21 days?...

What does the course have or offer?...


Thanks to this challenge I was able to learn to be much more present and be grateful for so many things...


Alana Gonzalez

Juan Alvaro Rodriguez

Wow, the truth is that this challenge set me!!!...


Awaken to gratitude in your life

Through this Masterclass you will be able to find the ideal path to awaken gratitude in your entire being, understand its benefits, become aware and transform your lifestyle.


Star Service

With Mega García

This entire process of accompaniment, in a journey through your Natal and Solar Chart, together with (Numerological Tools) that also clarify the possible Karmas and Dharmas. We will enter your electromagnetic field through the Evolutionary Tarot to observe possible blockages.


On this path towards the internal journey of the Being, Fabiola accompanies you along the most appropriate path for each moment that you need to identify, experience, integrate and transform. Great connoisseur of a Course in Miracles, for which she fervently believes in the Awakening of Consciousness starting from the Individual to the collective.

She has experienced and concretely integrated each of these modalities, with comprehensive physical, mental and spiritual preparation and wisdom. This is one of the reasons why you are in the right space to transform into that version of yourself that you long for. Being an example of life.

Certified in several techniques such as; Bioneuroemotion, Usui Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Theta Healing

Each session with Fabiola is a unique, individual and personalized experience, it adapts to each moment of transformation, using different growth techniques for any aspect and guiding you along the path of transformation and awareness; from Kabbalah Fundamentals, breathing techniques, meditation and visualization, mandalas, sacred geometry, Pinealism, Usui Reiki, Kundalini Reiki and Leadership Programs. In fact, Fabiola shares with each individual all her knowledge and experience that has made her what she is today. Here we can talk about the effects of Ho'ponopono, her experience on Mount Shasta in California, in a connection with the Mother Earth through medicinal plants and more knowledge that places her in one of the best alternatives in our growth and evolution.

Image by Aleksandr Ledogorov


It is working on a process of beliefs in a meticulous and detailed way to transform the emotions that change that internal state that creates the disease.


It is taking your brain to the Theta frequency, and connecting with the creative energy.

Image by Marcos Paulo Prado


It is a humanistic method focused on achieving a deep understanding of our way of perceiving the world with the aim of improving our reality and that of others.


It is based on scientific, philosophical and humanistic disciplines that study emotions and their relationship with beliefs, perception, the body and interpersonal relationships.

Its main objective is to understand and influence emotional health.

Image by Aarón Blanco Tejedor


It is a direct healing technique, energetic healing, the laying on of hands to be able to balance energies through the 7 chakras, Crystalline Reiki alluding to the fact that traumas are expressed in the form of a crystal in our body.


What is known in other modalities as engrams.

Image by Edz Norton


It is a technique, based on a practical philosophy and with spiritual influence, it has the ability to channel universal vital energy, to harmonize mind, body and spirit in order to achieve balance, harmony and health.

Today it is an alternative therapy, recognized and accepted by Western medicine for the treatment of certain diseases and pathologies.

Usui Reiki, its basis is supported by 5 fundamental principles:

Live a quiet life, Keep your mind at Peace, Be grateful for Life, Enjoy everything you have, live in harmony with my environment.

Image by Jeremy Bishop


It is a way to cleanse, heal and release blockages and beliefs that negatively impact and influence our lives.


It is a valuable modality that guides us to become aware that we are responsible for our actions and their effects.

It is a sentence composed of words; I am sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you.

Image by Sasha  Freemind


Applying breathing techniques will help us in our daily lives to know how to channel our energy, reduce our tension and relieve anxiety.


Breathing is one of the fundamental aspects of both physical practice and mental practice, in different relaxation and harmonization techniques of our bodies, Physical, Mental and Spiritual.

From Yoga practice to Meditation and Visualization.

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