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Awaken the Divine Being that lives in you


Fabiola, from her joy and contagious laughter, reveals a hypnotic unconditional love that leads, guides and accompanies you along the paths of healing, acceptance and transformation with the sole purpose in this life of “BEING HAPPY”.


Through her methodologies of self-inquiry, self-observation, healing, integration, transformation and evolution, she induces AWAKENING THE BEING, and thousands of people have experienced these modalities with Fabiola, with extraordinary results.

Specialist in Bioneuroemotion, Thethahealing, Usui Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Ho'oponopono and other modalities accompanies the person to an awareness to overcome the limitations of their “BEING”.

In addition to being a speaker, Fabiola can be your channel, companion, guide and mentor for the awakening, healing and transformation of the divine being that lives in you.

Fabiola Passariello


Awaken the Being that lives in you by connecting with the source and divinity that you are from unconditional love, for the best version of yourself.


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