Letting go is one of the phrases that can cause us a lot of pain when we apply it in our lives since it involves letting go of a feeling, emotion, memory or attachment to something or someone.

What we don't realize is that in most cases, letting go is practically the greatest act of unconditional love we can do to ourselves. This act breaks the chains that bind us to our attachments, limiting beliefs and inherited patterns. It allows us to free ourselves and close chapters in our lives to be able to start new ones.
We must learn to let go of people who are not ready to love us.
Letting go of conversations that don't add value to us.
Let go of the fact that I am right, so as not to lose inner peace.
Let go of control over things and people.
Let go of people who don't believe in you.
Stop showing up for people who have no interest in your presence.
Letting go when the situation is not really in your hands.
Let go of appearance and become essence.
Letting go of the friends who have already fulfilled their soul contract with you.
Letting go of the partner who came as a messenger for your personal evolution.
Let the constant change that living entails flow.
Stop trying to show something when others are not ready or do not want to see.
Let go of the blame when something doesn't go the way you wanted.
Stop thinking about others and put yourself last.
Stop offering help, when it is not asked for.
Leave the fear of dying, because only you transcend.
When we understand that everything and everyone has a process, a why and a purpose and a time in their evolution. Then we become aware that we are no one to alter that process and that everything is perfect, that each one always has the power to choose where and how they want to live what they are experiencing.
That we have come to grow and evolve and the people who are in our lives are tools and messengers to accompany that learning and journey. It is there that we begin to see life with other lenses, being present and living the moment from the best version of ourselves.
Remember that change always starts with you.
love and light
Fabiola Passariello