Every experience we have in life is an opportunity to awaken and evolve into the best version of ourselves. When we become aware of this and decide to take responsibility for our lives, that's when the magic of designing a great future arises, as we can change our perception and thus our projection.
The situation of abandonment you may be experiencing awakens you to the opportunity to work on detachment.
When something bothers you about someone else, that's when your consciousness awakens and teaches you to work on patience, acceptance, or boundaries.
What triggers your anger gives you the opportunity to work on compassion, understanding, and mercy.
Envy gives you the opportunity to work on scarcity in your thoughts and beliefs.
Comparing yourself constantly to others gives you the opportunity to work on your self-esteem more and recognize who you truly are.
What you hate about others gives you the opportunity to work on unconditional love.
When you want to control absolutely the process of "when, how, and with whom things should be," it gives you the opportunity to work on letting go, letting flow, and having certainty that the universe always conspires for you.
When expectations are not met, it gives you the opportunity to redesign and try again, to experiment in different ways without attachment to the result.
When you realize that everything, absolutely everything, is an opportunity to elevate your energy, your frequency, and your way of seeing life and how you choose to live it, that's when you truly have the power to create.
Remember, we don't attract what we want; we attract by energy and frequency what we are and how we think and feel.
I invite you, whatever situation you find yourself in, always see the opportunity to be and do better, from love connected always with the heart.
Your faithful servant,
Love and light.