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The Path is Made by Walking

The path is only created by walking it, and that's the power we humans have to decide where we'll start from.

Often, we do it unconsciously, but we're always deciding and thus creating realities.

This teaching leads me to start being conscious of my journey and through listening and feeling where the flaw lies to use it to my advantage and grow in its evolution.

It's the GPS of my life. To know where I want to go, I must know where I am and from there set the coordinates (desire, reality) to take action by igniting my inner light to embark on the journey. Understanding that the detour, when it appears, is simply an opportunity to redesign the path and through the journey become a better version, discovering, recognizing, valuing, loving, and empowering myself, but above all, enjoying myself.

Emptying myself of what I think I am to truly be. Only then can I create my own reality from my individuality being expressed through others.

That's when I understand that everything is perfect!!! And it solely depends on me to decide what I want to do and where I want to go, using all the forces that already exist in me to my advantage.

Igniting the fire in my heart and, most importantly, in who I am becoming through the journey.

The WIZARD that creates MAGIC in LIFE.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

The change begins within you.

Be the change you want to see.

Your faithful servant,

Fabiola Passariello

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