Are you one of those people who have been different since a very young age? Are you one of those who asked everything, even to the point of annoying others? Or perhaps you knew you were there but didn't belong? Maybe you've been labeled as rebellious or strange? Instead of playing with dolls, were you always sitting on a tree or rock? Or perhaps you were told you always had something to say or that you didn't like following the rules because something inside you knew you weren't free.
You might be one who sought unique and authentic ways of being, one who never felt heard, one who dared without knowing the consequences, one who wondered and said, "Is there something more?" But people thought you were crazy. Passion and love were the bases and reasons for everything you did. You fought battles that weren't yours. You spoke without filter and were made to feel bad because that's not what one says, it's not right. Curiosity was always present in your daily life, and joy or humor had to be present despite the seriousness or problems you were facing.
I'm here to tell you that you're not alone and you're not the only one.
Many of these situations made me doubt myself, silenced me, extinguished me because I shouldn't ask, opine, or act in that way. For many years, I felt that somehow everything was wrong with me, I didn't value myself, I felt unworthy of love. I was called rebellious, even revolutionary, at school.
I felt like my essence was disappearing, that I was living the life people wanted me to live, doing what I had to do, how to behave, how to dress, how to be. In short, I surrendered my power.
I lost myself pleasing others for acceptance; I didn't accept myself. I didn't know how to set boundaries, felt like I had to do everything alone because I often didn't feel understood. Until the day when all those things people pointed out as bad, different, became my best allies in my process of evolution and transformation in the search for something more. On this wonderful path called life, we begin to look inward and make the most important journey, Awakening the Being that we already are!
I understood and continue to understand that this journey never ends; it's continuous. We have the freedom to choose.
Do we always choose how we want to do things? From where we want to do or live?
I chose to Awaken the Being within me. Yes, it's possible. If I did it, you can too, just choose Awakening.
When you choose to love yourself fully, to recognize yourself, to value yourself, and above all to honor yourself, many things begin to make sense in your life, and coherence becomes the symphony and the lyrics of the song of your life.
When you realize that the question uncovers you.
When there's always something to say, it expresses you.
When being different makes you unique, creative.
When you dare, you expand.
When you feel and connect with your source, you are.
When your passion and love are the engine of your life, you sow seeds.
When you listen, you heal.
When you forgive, you let go.
When you let go, you free yourself.
When you respect yourself, you don't need limits.
When you're curious, you discover.
When you find yourself, you accept yourself.
When you're real, honest, life honors you in the same way.
When you surrender and trust, you live.
When you sing with your soul, the universe listens to your melody.
Remember, you always have the freedom to Choose, create, and manifest.
Love and Light.
Fabiola Passariello