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Pain or Suffering


When we protect ourselves from feeling or avoiding pain is when we really suffer in the process of life.

Did you know that pain is inevitable but that suffering will always be optional?

We spend our lives protecting ourselves:

  • To not be hurt

  • So that it is not missing,

  • So they don't screw me

  • To not be weak

  • To not be vulnerable

  • So that they don't break our hearts

  • So that they don't criticize me or judge me

  • To not feel rejected

And in that process of protection is where the suffering comes because what we suffer is more in protecting the fear of feeling the pain in our head.

To really live the experience and let ourselves flow in it.

Where we realize that it is more of a limiting belief that does not allow us to flow and be essence.

Why do I say this?

I am going to share a personal experience where this concept was very clear, not only in theory, but also in experience.

In December of last year 2020 I got Covid and although it was not very aggressive, it affected my life.

When the massive impressive and unexplainable allergy started (I had never experienced an allergy in my life)

When I saw that my body was deformed

When I saw that I had no control over anything that was happening

I felt like I was dying!!!!!

And I did not allow the cleansing that was part of the healing process (I was taking a treatment called CDS) and transformation to take place.

Trying to take something to avoid it

To not feel vulnerable

To see somehow I could control it!!!!

After half an hour the Benadryl arrived and I took it.

15 minutes passed and everything was taken away from me

But in that half hour I was able to observe the transformation process of my skin and although it was intimidating and terrifying it was also fascinating to see the phases.

When through meditation I understood that it was necessary to be able to move to another phase

The critical healing phase where the body purifies what it no longer needs

There I really asked myself, Faby, was there such pain? and my answer was no

So what was it that made you panic and be in total fear? and my response was to enter an unknown phase (the allergy that I had never experienced) and not be able to have control of it, to know what is going to happen.

Then the fear and panic caused you to go into suffering regardless of the fact that there was no serious pain.

I realized that the mind is much more powerful than we imagine.

We suffer more from thinking that something is going to hurt us, how ironic!!!!!

The next day my body wanted to react with the allergy again, but this time, I didn't stop it this time.

I spoke to my Cells, I told them that I trusted them, that I knew it was part of the purification and that I was only going to take away their attention out of fear, and that I knew that they and I are one and I joined the process.

That even though I couldn't understand much of what was happening and I was beginning to feel a little pain, I just observed the process and surrendered.

I know it may sound crazy, but there came a time when that pain that was present when I saw him the way I was watching him transformed into unconditional love, it was something that I have no words to describe the sensation, but that can only be felt (see the transformation of the process and its evolution without resistance without fear just flowing, this was very magical)

The two times he tried to leave again he did it with a lot of love and it only lasted 20 minutes.

Returning to its normal state

Now I ask you

  1. When you go to a comedy show and laugh a lot, doesn't your stomach hurt?

True, yes, but you interpret or project the pain in another way, but it is still pain.

  1. When you go to the gym, doesn't your body hurt the first few days when you can't even walk?

True, yes, but you relate it to the fact that he is in a transformation process to have a better body, right?

Well, what do you think is the same with life, it is a process of constant transformation, where pain will be part of many phases of it, and it will only depend on us on how we see it or decide to live it, whether allowing its process or entering into suffering trying to avoid the pain that is inevitable.

Today I invite you, if you are going through a process where pain is involved, simply embrace it and see where the message is, where the healing is, or where the learning is so that you can transform it and become the best version of yourself, more renewed, more redesigned, more elevated and full of life from the essence

Allow the experience by observing it from compassion and love and you will see that, yes in many there will be pain, but you will no longer suffer for wanting to protect yourself from it when it is really part of life and any process of growth and evolution.

Your faithful servant

love and light

Fabiola Passariello



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