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The shadow


When we hear this name, the shadow, the darkness, what is the first thing that comes to mind? What do you feel? Where does that feeling manifest itself in your body?

Well, I tell you that most people when they hear this tend to determine or define it as something negative, as something bad, as something that is not right, to avoid, to fight or even run away.

But you haven't realized or observed that wherever you go she is always with you!!

What if I don't invite you to look at yourself and you'll see them behind or next to you and guess why? because it is part of you, your essence, your presence, your existence.

There is no light without darkness

There is no day without the night

There is no what we define good without the bad

There is no ying without yang

There is no joy if we do not know what sadness is

It is the complement of life, of the essence of everything,

When we understand that it is not about fleeing or repressing it or judging or blaming it, it is simply about observing it, because it itself is giving us the wonderful gift that is information, which is in our unconscious, whether through limiting beliefs, programs, engrams or paradigms, It is what shows us where we are, it is what tells us here there is work to do, here is the path to transform.

Has it not happened to you that after a moment of great darkness or as they call it the dark night of the soul, is where a part of your life is reborn and flourishes. where many times it is the symbolic death of something that you no longer need and requires to be transformed and processed, for something much better, for your next level. For a start, a renovation or a redesign? Because for something new to be born, something old has to die.

If we see the shadow and choose to observe it as an ally, it will become the catalyst of many of our processes, not facing it (because that is fighting with it) but confronting and integrating it, because when we embrace our dark side, which is what we call it, we become Beings. complete, and full, We become free to manage our emotions, without blame or judgment, understanding that what we are experiencing is perfect in our process, which is part of a small piece of the complete puzzle. Which many times is not understanding but feeling and observing in order to transform.

In life the only thing that is continuous is change,

If we understand that we are energy and that energy has no beginning or end, the only thing we can do with it is transform it, that is where we can take responsibility and become the protagonist or artist of our life. Deciding that no matter the scenario that is being experienced, we will always have the choice of how I am going to paint it, what colors I am going to use to color.

Our shadow will only depend on you, if you use it as an ally or as an enemy, if you repress it or integrate it, it does not judge, it simply carries and carries information that has to be emitted through the emotions in our life to to be able to be seen, observed, worked on, questioned in order to transform and evolve our experiences to be able to experience the magical process that is becoming the best version of ourselves during the entire process of our path, our journey through taking and different levels of consciousness from love, and compassion and understanding that everything speaks to us and tells us where we are, and that it offers us the opportunity to project where we want to go.

Because change only begins with you

I prefer to be a thousand times a complete person (integrating my light and my shadow, without repressing my essence) to become a good person "Carls Jung"

Because it is only when we embrace our shadow that our light will shine and reach further.

Awakening your essence through awareness

Love and Light



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