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When your worst situation becomes the best thing that ever happened to you!!!!!

Has the worst moment of your life happened to you, the one you say because me? Why me? Until when? What did I do wrong? The one that you don't understand how it got to that point, at what moment it got out of hand, when you feel lost, when it gives you panic, just feeling that there is this and what it feels like, that you know that you are going to go through a duel due to a process of anger, pain and resentment. Or that you realized that you were being manipulated or that you were the one being manipulated because things didn't go the way you wanted, or that you realized how emotionally dependent you became on that same suffering? but there is no going back!!!!!!

What if I told you that it could be the best thing that ever happened to you?

For me personally, the events that at the time I felt were the worst that could happen to me, be it with my partner, family, work, friends or finances. As time went by I realized that thank God that this happened, that, thanks to that, I started again, to write the different story, that when in the process of forgiveness, healing and transformation, I became aware and understood that Everything was perfect for my evolution. I began to love myself, recognize myself and value myself.

I would not be where I am today if it were not for those moments, that is why I invite you to recognize and honor them, whoever it is, whatever it is, stop observing and realize that they may even have been the best blessing that you had at that moment, this allows you to free yourself, let go and trust, and you will ask yourself why?

Because in moments like those, your internal journey begins, you really begin to see yourself, to become aware, to realize that part of you was causing this, when you lost or when you gave up your power, what your fears were like, what your energy was like, what What you were projecting and what you were resonating with, or maybe you didn't feel deserved, to what extent you lost your dignity, that process of discovery begins, where it may be painful, but when Someone or something leaves and you find yourself and everything blossoms this in you, then you have won!!!!!! It was necessary, it had to be redesigned to bring out the best version of you.

When we understand that at a soul level this was chosen and that you created it, then you take the responsibility of changing it and transforming it, becoming the protagonist of your film, with your scripts, with your actors.

Life is only lived through experiences and these are what make us and make us the best version of ourselves if we want it to be.

Remember that change always starts with you

Love and Light

Fabiola Passariello

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